Comprehensive Inventory Management Services
Accurate. Efficient. Vendor Managed Inventory.
We offer Six Sigma and Lean expertise in managing inventory control. By providing inventory visibility that tracks by lot number, serial number, or other variants, we provide you with metric-driven processes to deliver significant cost efficiencies, responsiveness, and quality improvements. Group O can work with your preferred suppliers or leverage our network of over 7,000 suppliers to deliver what you need while you streamline your billing through us. With proven results for industries from agriculture to retail to mobile devices, Group O delivers.
Warehouse Management
Inventory Management Software
With more than 20 secure, climate-controlled facilities and 750,000 square feet of warehouse space nationwide, our inventory management solution can help you improve your stock & excess inventory, inventory levels, inventory costs, and supply chain by equalizing timelines and reducing distribution costs.
Our integrated Warehouse Management System (WMS) also known as inventory management software provides visibility into your supply chain and enables our warehouse staff to cost-effectively verify stock and inventory levels and inventory quantities, generate pick tickets, and pick, pack and ship your orders with Six Sigma accuracy. With this tool we can effectively:
- Receive and sort products
- Forecast inventory levels & needs
- Improve inventory accuracy
- Improve inventory labeling
- Track inventory by location
- Provide asset tracking
- Improve order fulfillment
- Estimate onsite storage & stock level needs
Flexible & Scalable Inventory Solutions
Sales and demand fluctuate throughout the year, making it challenging to commit to fixed warehousing and fulfillment volumes. Group O offers flexible inventory management solutions that scale up or down based on your needs.
- Overflow & Seasonal Inventory Management: Quickly adjust warehousing and fulfillment capacities to match demand surges or seasonal variations.
- Cycle & Safety Stock Optimization: Manage cycle stock, safety stock, pipeline, and pre-build inventory to enhance efficiency across your value chain.
- Demand Response Strategies: Implement time-phased demand signals and Just-in-Time (JIT) strategies to stay responsive to market changes while maintaining service quality.
Advanced Technology for Efficient Inventory Management
Group O leverages cutting-edge technology to streamline inventory operations, improve visibility, and enhance efficiency. Our technology solutions help you manage inventory more effectively and optimize your supply chain. These solutions include:
- Online Ordering Portal: Access an intuitive platform for seamless ordering, tracking, and payment.
- e-Commerce Inventory System: Simplify the process of finding, ordering, and paying for supplies, parts, and equipment with our user-friendly e-Commerce solution.
- SKU Rationalization: Optimize inventory by evaluating purchasing habits and combining similar items to reduce excess stock and improve efficiency.
Expert Inventory Planning & Cost Management
Effective inventory management involves strategic planning and cost control. Group O’s experts work with you to enhance inventory planning, reduce costs, and free up working capital
- Inventory Planning: Ensure you have the right inventory at the right time and location to meet demand and improve service levels.
- Cost Accounting & Credit Management: Improve inventory cost accounting, streamline credit management, and enhance cash flow to release valuable working capital.
- Strategic Inventory Management: Utilize proven techniques to manage fluctuations and optimize inventory across various locations or divisions.
We'd love to tell you more about our inventory management services and inventory management technology.