Types of Green Supply Chain Practices
Tags: Supply Chain
The Best Types of Green Supply Chain Practices
Supply chains are responsible for the majority of energy and resources used by a company, which is why companies should implement sustainable practices. Green supply chain practices have the power to make a lasting impact on the planet, while simultaneously increasing a company’s cost efficiency.
This article will discuss sustainable supply chain opportunities and how to implement them.
Green supply chains begin with purchasing environmentally sustainable materials. This first step can set the tone and act as a domino effect for the rest of the supply chain process. Sourcing and procuring sustainable materials significantly reduces the amount of waste produced by a company.
Here are a few ways to purchase sustainably:
- Find low-impact and fair trade suppliers for goods and services like Group O.
- Procure responsibly sourced materials for production (recycled, remanufactured, and natural).
- Reuse and upcycle materials to ensure multiple uses.
In order to power equipment and keep supply chain facilities up and running, supply chains require a significant amount of energy. Through the implementation of green manufacturing strategies, supply chains are able to reduce their overall energy use – which in turn allows them to save money.
New technologies are designed to replace the need to burn fossil fuels. Below are renewable energy sources that aid in the manufacturing process:
Hydropower: uses fast-running water to generate electricity
Wind Power: uses wind turbines to generate electricity
Solar Power: uses the sun's energy to generate electricity
When products are not efficiently packaged, the packaging materials (like cardboard) are often overused, Sustainable packaging materials significantly reduce the amount of waste companies produce – so instead of using materials like cardboard, it’s best to use these alternatives:
- Reusable and recyclable packaging
- Biodegradable packaging
- Decomposed organic packaging
- Corrugated cardboard filler packaging
Instructions on how to properly dispose of packaging materials should always be provided, as this will ensure the completion of a materials’ life cycle.
Many warehouses are outdated and require upgrades i
n order to go green. Upgrading a warehouse may sound costly, but it can save money in the long-run. Installing insulation, adding additional windows, and alternative energy sources are simple renovations that provide a more sustainable environment.
Locating warehouses in close proximity to key distribution hubs will save energy and money on transportation, which will ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Additionally, alternative transportation options like trains and vehicles that are emissions-free (electric, biodiesel, solar power, etc.) can reduce a company’s carbon footprint. The implementation of green transportation is fundamental in order to preserve the environment.
Companies have the power to make a difference
Companies have the power to make a difference by implementing and maintaining sustainable practices into their supply chains. Modernizing operations and utilizing eco-friendly technologies will result in positive changes to the environment.
Contact Group O today to learn more about sustainable supply chain management practices. Our experts are happy to help you discover the green solutions you need for your supply chain. For more information on how Group O can help your company, visit our website or give us a call at (866) 476-8761.